Tag Archives: steam

biogas to steamIndian villagers regularly use biogas for their daily activities.  Now, companies are tapping the commodity as a disinfectant for hospital instruments and also a compound for washing laundry.  In fact, biogas is already being used by Oulun Jatehuolto in Helsinki  to produce detergent, disinfectants and electricity generation. Oulun Jatehuolto is also looking into the possibility of using the commodity to produce traffic fuel.

When microbes decompose matter in anaerobic conditions the result is biogas.  Biogas can be produced in two ways - by collecting landfill biogas via pumps or using biogas reactors. Oulun Jatehuolto has two landfills where they pump biogas to make their products.  After pumping the material, they clean it and dewater it.  Following this process, the distribution network then feeds the biogas into industrial processes.

Currently, the Oulu University Hospital uses biogas as a fuel in the production of steam at the facility.  This steam is used as a disinfectant for the hospital's instruments and also in their the laundry department.